We want explorers to come and head out to the forest for a walk, or for a visit to indigenous community conservation initiatives.
Ecuador Welcomes everyone to explore the Wonders of Ecuador!
We are willing to share our passion for nature free of charge.
Ecuador Free Nature Walks is a fancy way to LEARN more about local tourism initiatives, needed for a Kickstarter.
Ecuador offers all sorts of travel experiences in South America from Cultural Experiences Wildlife Encounters and Inspiring Landscaping Unique in the World.
Traveling Ecuador in ORGANIZED trips with all services are included which turn into a dream for a tourist business owner.
SOLO traveling, personal trips to explore destinations building a personal experience of moving into different travelers’ destinations, also become a dream for the local tourism service provider.
Ecuador Nature Guides from all over the country JOIN to share the local attractions FREE to promote tourism to locals and travelers.
The Free Nature Walks are Interpretive Walks of Nature and Conservation led by professional Tour Guides in the interpretation of the Tropical Nature of Ecuador.
The Nature Guides would have a great opportunity to showcase their culture, biodiversity, and the different services provided locally.
Offered activities during the visit would last approximately 3 – 4 hours.
Ecuador Free Nature Walks In all Regions
The Free Nature Walks are available in all Natural Regions in Ecuador.
Galapagos Islands
Local Destinations to visit Free Walks
All the Destinations to explore locations have a wide range the options, check some are listed below:
Natural Reserves
Protected Forests
Tourism Entrepreneurship and
Places with Biodiversity
Participants are responsible for their personal needs.
Equipment to use in the Nature Walks
All the Equipment needed to use in Nature Walks for a better experience.
Binoculars (better if you bring)
Field notebook and pencil
Magnifying glass
Backpack (Light)
Hydration and Snacks
Comfortable clothes
Comfortable shoes
Rains gear
Sun protection
Activities during Free Nature Tours
The kinds of Activities during Free Nature Tours can be practiced.
Learn about all the Orchids of Ecuador before your Orchid Trip comes.
Orchid of Ecuador
Orchids of Ecuador
The Orchids of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador
Orchids of Ecuador
Orchids of the Amazon Rainforest
We have listed the most Common Orchid Genera to be encounter herein in Ecuador.
Learn about the exciting world of the Orchids of Ecuador just to give you an idea number: In Ecuador 1 out of 10 plants is an Orchid.
The Orchids of Ecuador can be found almost everywhere, from the coastline in the Pacific passing snowline of the Andes to reach vast Amazon Lowlands.
Learn more about the Orchids of Ecuador, each bioregion in Ecuador is home to several hundreds of Orchids.
The Orchids of Ecuador have several favorite bioregions, orchids have a preference for the wet Andes: The Foothills and Montane of each side of the Andes.
Learn more about the Orchids of Ecuador in the list below, the information provided is genera name, province where was seen, and the observer you click on to meet the explorer.
All the genera in here had been produced in the Citizen Science Project in INaturalist: Orchids of Ecuador.
At this moment this project has 4,796 Observations made by 833 field observers, this community of 250 Identifiers had been able to identify 477 Species of Ecuadorian Orchids.
The Generas are organized alphabetically. We will continue updating and help you to find more Orchids in Ecuador.
Arundina (Exotic)
Phaius (Exotic)
We hope you had Learn a little bitmore about the Orchids of Ecuador
The Puffbirds of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador are an intriguing bird family.
Puffbirds of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador are a large head and short tail, with a chunky body, Puffbirds with their loose, abundant plumage and short tails make them look stout and Puffy, giving rise to their English name.
The Puffbirds, Nunbirds, Nunlets, and Monklets all are relatives, they are present all around the Amazon Basin in all habitats.
Puffbirds of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador are tropical tree-dwelling insectivorous birds, sit-and-wait hunters, perching unmoving for long periods while watching for insect prey. As well as arthropods, they may eat small lizards and plant material.
Puffbirds of the Amazon Rainforest Nuclear DNA Analysis Says…
Puffbirds and Jacamars were sister groups, indicates that the Nunlets (genus Nonnula) diverged from the common ancestor of other puffbirds an estimated 25 million years ago, with the genus Malacoptila the next to branch off around 19.1 million years ago in the Miocene epoch.
Nesting of the Puffbirds in the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador
Puffbirds nesting sites are burrows in the dirt, rotten wood or termite mounds, lay clutches of two or three round, small, and white eggs. The incubation is around two weeks by both parents. Born blind and naked, crawl to the entrance of the nest burrow at one or two days of age. Adults feed them partly chewed insects.
We have the chance to listen to most the following species of Puffbirds Nunbirds, Nunlet, and Monklet during Our Birding Trips in the Rainforest.
Listen to Twelve Species of Puffbirds and relatives living in the Rainforest in Ecuador
The Puffbirds are one of the most silent birds in the Neotropics and vocalize very rarely. When calling they mostly do so at dawn and dusk. It consists of repeated and high-pitched whistles.
The Nunbirds are the most vocal of the family; they have a wide repertoire of calls and often give very loud shouts.
The White-necked Puffbird is one of the largest, most widespread members of the puffbird family, and frequents the forest canopy. With its massive bill, it feeds on large insects, frogs, and lizards.
2.- Pied Puffbird (Notharchus tectus)
Pied Puffbird is the smallest of the black and white puffbirds, a small-sized, mainly black-and-white puffbird, rare in the canopy of Varzea and to lesser extend Terra Firme Forests where it seems to favor forest edges, tall second growth, clearings, and plantations.
The Chestnut-capped Puffbird is a small size with bright chestnut cap, and black mask and breast band distinguish it from all other puffbirds. Found in pairs around “edge”, along streams and clearings in the seasonally flooded forest. Seen perched in the mid-story for long periods of time. It forages by sallying out and grabbing insects.
5.- Collared Puffbird (Bucco capensis)
Collared Puffbird has a very large head and short tail, with a chunky body. Like other puffbirds, this species employs a sit-and-wait strategy for hunting, which it uses to catch insects and small vertebrate, which has earned it nicknames such as “lazy bird” and “sleeper”
6.- White-chested Puffbird (Malacoptila fusca)
White-chested Puffbird is inconspicuous and difficult to see. forage in the understory by sallying out to catch insects from low vegetation or the ground. When not foraging, they often sit immobile for long periods of time. The song is mellow descending trill, and the call is a high descending whistle, peeeuuuuu.
7.- Lanceolated Monklet (Micromonacha lanceolata)
The Lanceolated Monklet is small, distinctive puffbird, seldom-seen, and oft-overlooked rainforest inhabitant. It is associating loosely with sub-canopy flocks, perching quietly, often without moving for extended periods.
8.- Brown Nunlet (Nonnula brunnea)
Brown Nunlet is rusty brown with darker upperparts with red orbital skin, confined to a very small range within western Amazonia, occurs in humid lowland terra firme forest, old second growth.
9.- Black-fronted Nunbird (Monasa nigrifrons)
The Black-fronted is the only Nunbird with all-dark plumage and an orange bill. Flocks in groups, perch conspicuously and regularly erupt choruses of whistles and churrs. It forages arthropods at lower levels in open floodplain forest, floodplain forest edge, bamboo, and riverine secondary growth. Nests in a burrow in a bank or in the ground.
10.- White-fronted Nunbird (Monasa morphoeus)]
White-fronted Nunbird is glossy black or gray-black with a stout red-orange bill, white face markings on the cere, Resident in the midstory and subcanopy of Terra-firme forest, frequently found in mixed passerine flocks, a good indication of a nearby flock.
11.- Yellow-billed Nunbird (Monasa flavirostris)
The Yellow-billed Nunbird is unique in displaying a yellow bill and some white on the scapulars. It favors Terra Firme forest where it seems to be associated with landslides.
The Swallow-winged Puffbird digs its nest in sandy soil, forming a burrow two or three feet long, where it lays one or two eggs. It is a fairly common, perched high on a dead branch along a riverbank, or openings, typically observed in pairs. It is known to capture insects from open perches.
Learn to Recognize the Whistles of the Tinamous of the Rainforest in Ecuador.
Get familiar with Tinamou Songs and learn about the Diversity of Birds living in the Rainforest in Ecuador.
Tinamous are common terrestrial but shy and secretive birds. The word “tinamou” comes from the Galibi Pople. Traditionally regarded as the sister group of the flightless ratites (emus, ostriches, kiwis, and rheas). Tinamous roost in trees at night.
They are opportunistic and omnivorous feeders, consuming a wide variety of plant and animal food. They walk and run but will fly when they must.
Tinamous practice a complex breeding strategy. This entails the males practicing simultaneous polygyny and the females practicing successive polyandry.
Tinamous of the Rainforest in Ecuador first appear in the fossil record in the Miocene epoch at the same epoch apes also appeared.
In the Amazon Lowlands of Ecuador, during Our Birding Trips in the Rainforest, we have the chance to listen to most the following species of tinamous.
Listen to Seven Species of Tinamous living in the Rainforest in Ecuador
They have clear, distinct, and sharp songs, designed to penetrate the many layers of the habitat that they frequent, serving a different purpose, linked to pairing, contact call, or territorial defense.
Some can be heard from several kilometers through the thick vegetation of the rain forest.
1.- Great Tinamou (Tinamus major)
Lives in the dense rainforest of both “terra firme” (non-flooded) and “várzea” (seasonally-flooded) types, up to 1,500 m. It has also been recorded in secondary forests.
It feeds on the forest floor, predominantly on berries, fruits and seeds, but will also take nuts and small animals such as insects, small mollusks and annelids.
2.- White-throated Tinamou (Tinamus guttatus)
Have chestnut-brown upperparts with blackish streaking on the lower back and small yellowish-white spots. It has paler underparts with wider, dark barring on flanks. With gray head and neck, with a white throat, brown eye, and brown bill. Body length 32 and 36 cm (13 and 14 in).
It eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes, as well as invertebrates, flower buds, tender leaves, seeds, and roots. The male incubates the eggs which may come from as many as four different females and then will raise them until they are ready to be on their own, usually two to three weeks.
3.- Cinereous Tinamou (Crypturellus cinereus)
Live in the várzea, their preferred habitat is thick, dark, and dense. They are abundant, within the upper Amazon.
They have a distinctive light-colored eye ring, with a bill has a dark upper mandible and a yellow lower mandible. lays two eggs, whose color varies from salmon to dark chocolate; the nest is merely a scrape in the ground, and nests can be found almost year-round across its range.
4.- Little Tinamou (Crypturellus soui)
Furtive, an almost tailless small bird, Favoring forest edge and dense secondary growth rather than forest interior. When disturbed runs rather than flies. Sometimes crosses quiet roads or trails, but tremulous whistles are often heard, especially early and late in the day. The plumage is dark brownish overall with grayer head and a whitish throat
5.- Undulated Tinamou (Crypturellus undulatus)
Is a ubiquitous species of river forest and second growth in the Amazon basin. feeds on small fruits, seeds, and insects and is considered fairly common throughout its range. Its distinctive three-note song often is among the first bird sounds one learns in Amazonia.
6.- Variegated Tinamou (Crypturellus variegatus)
The breeding behavior has been comparatively well studied. Males apparently outnumber females considerably, and as a result, the female is serially polyandrous, mating with up to four males, laying one egg per partner, which is then incubated by the male alone. As is typical of tinamous, the nest is a shallow, unlined depression on the ground. The single young leaves the nest on hatching and is tended by the male throughout.
7.- Bartlett’s Tinamou (Crypturellus bartletti)
It inhabits principally seasonally flooded areas and shrubby thickets. A poorly known Tinamou considered rare to uncommon over most of its distributional range. Virtually nothing has been published concerning its life history.
Learn about the Animals of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador.
We present to you some of the most Popular Animals living in the largest tropical rainforest in the world. Many of them you can also find them in other countries in South America.
Get familiar with their life history, sounds, and many videos of the animals can find during our Amazon Nature Trips.
What types of animals live in a tropical rainforest?
Rainforests are tremendously rich in animal life. Rainforests are populated with insects(like butterflies and beetles), arachnids (like spiders and ticks), worms, reptiles (like snakes and lizards), amphibians(like frogs and toads), birds(like parrots and toucans), and mammals (like sloths and jaguars).
Where do animals live in the rainforest?
All Life lives in different strata of the rainforest. For example, birds and tree frogs live in the upper leaves of the trees (canopy) and in the emergent trees, other creatures like howler monkeys and sloths also live in the canopy.
Large animals (like jaguars anteaters, tapirs, and deers) generally live on the forest floor also known as the understory, Insects are found almost everywhere.
Anacondas, dolphins in the water, electric ells in the black water system.
Many species of rainforest animals are endangered and many others have gone extinct as the number of acres of rainforests on Earth disappears.
How animals can live in the rainforest?
Animals are always in danger of being eaten and have developed many methods of protecting themselves.
Hiding: Some animals simply hide from predators, concealing themselves in burrows, under rocks or leaves, in tree hollows, or in other niches where they are hard to find.
Camouflage:Camouflage is another way of hiding in which the animal blends into its environment. Many animals, like the “walking stick” insect and the Bia Actorion Butterfly, are camouflaged so well that they are virtually invisible when they are standing still. Sloths are covered with a greenish layer of algae which camouflages their fur in their arboreal environment. Sloths also move very slowly, making them even harder to spot.
Scaring predators: Some animals try to convince predators that they are bigger and more fierce than they are. For example, the larva of the lobster moth (Stauropus fagi), whose larva looks like a scorpion, but is completely defenseless. Many butterflies have large “eye” designs on their wings. This makes them look like the head of a very large animal instead of a harmless butterfly and scares many predators away.
Warning colors: Poisonous animals openly advertise their defense methods, usually with bright colors and flashy patterns.
When a predator eats one member of the group, it will get sick.
This memory will stay with the predator, who will avoid that type of animal in the future.
This method sacrifices a few individuals to protect the entire group.
Examples of poisonous animals include the Monarch butterfly.
Other animals (poisonous or not) have come to mimic poisonous butterflies, obtaining the benefits of their poisonous “twins.” This is called mimicry.
Why is Important to Conserve the rainforest?
The rainforest is home to more than half of the world’s animals. Colorful and unusual animals dwell in all layers of the forest.
Rainforest is described as a tall, hot, and dense forest near the equator and is believed to be the oldest living ecosystem on Earth that get the maximum amount of rainfall.
If you don’t know too much about tropical rainforests, then you will probably be surprised to find that there are a few little-known facts out there
Here you will find some important facts about the tropical rainforest that you may not have known previously.
Rainforests only cover around 2 percent of the total surface area of the Earth but hold about 50 percent of the plants and animals on the planet.
Which mammals live in the rainforest?
Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
The largest living anteater can eat up to 30000 ants a day, its sense of smell is 40 times more powerful than ours. It is one of four living species of anteaters, the only extant member of the genus Myrmecophaga, and is classified with sloths.
The Giant Anteater is living here for the last 25 Million Years and Counting.
Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
The Amazon River Dolphin looks remarkably different from its more familiar, ocean-faring cousin.
Its body is pale pink, with an elongated neck that can be moved left and right, a long snout reminiscent of a beak, a rounded head, and a smaller dorsal fin. It feeds on small fish, crabs, and turtles.
The Amazon River dolphin is the largest. They are also the most intelligent of the five living species of river dolphins.
Their brain capacity is 40% larger when compared to that of humans. These dolphins do sleep but with one eye open.
Like many other aquatic animals in the Amazon, the Dolphin is threatened by pollution and various development projects which restrict the river’s natural flow.
Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
The Capybara is the largest rodent in the world, measuring up to 4 feet in length and weighing up to 140 pounds.
Their name derives from Tupi, which means “grass-eater.” A fully grown Capybara can eat up to 8 pounds of grass per day.
They like water and are commonly found in swampy areas, or near lakes and rivers. They’re also very sociable, living in groups of 10 to 30 individuals.
Capybaras communicate through a combination of scent and sound, being very vocal animals with purrs and alarm barks, whistles and clicks, squeals and grunts
Giant Armadillo (Priodontes maximus)
The Giant Armadillo is only found in the Amazon, where it can reach up to 5 feet long and weigh up to 120 pounds.
The Armadillo’s casing can be used for offense as well as defense, and they also possess long front claws and between 80 and 100 teeth (more than any other mammal).
They’re nocturnal animals and live in a complex system of burrows. Sadly, hunting and the black market trade are endangering the Giant Armadillo’s survival:
Its population numbers have reportedly decreased by 50% over the last 30 years.
Giant River Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)
The Giant River Otter is endemic to the Amazon basin.
Its body can reach up to around 5 feet in length (plus a 3-foot tail), and it has webbed hands and feet that are perfect for swimming and hunting in the Amazon River’s tributaries.
It is often seen feasting of fish and other small prey in oxbow lakes, which are created by slow-flowing rivers changing course, and in other slow-flowing rivers and swamps.
Hunting, water pollution, and habitat loss are the main causes of their decreasing population numbers.
Jaguar (Panthera onca)
This is the big cat par excellence of South America, and the Amazon rainforest is one of the Jaguar’s last remaining strongholds.
Jaguar numbers are decreasing fast because of illegal hunting and loss of habitat. It’s estimated that only around 6000 individuals survive in the Peruvian Amazon.
These big cats are excellent at climbing, swimming, and hunting in the trees. As a result, you may hear them in the jungle, but it’s very difficult to see them through the dense canopy.
Jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi)
The Jaguarundi is one of the smaller wild cats found in the Amazon. They have short legs, a long body, and an even longer tail.
They also have short, rounded ears and a uniformly colored coat, which can be either brownish-gray or chestnut-red.
They typically measure between 21 and 30 inches, with a tail almost as long as their body, and weigh between seven and 20 pounds.
Jaguarundis are mainly solitary and active during the day, unlike most felines. Their diet includes small felines, reptiles, and ground-feeding birds, as Jaguarundis hunt more on the ground than in trees.
Lophostoma Yasuni Bat ( Lophostoma Yasuni)
There are hundreds of Bat species in the Amazon, and the Lophostoma Yasuni Bat is one of the most peculiar-looking ones. It’s named after Yasuni National Park, where it is endemic.
With its protruding ears (which can reach up to a third of the length of the body) and proboscis, it looks like a fantasy creature halfway between a Gremlin and a Fennec Fox.
Like most other Bats, it eats insects. It wasn’t discovered until 2004, so very little is known about it, but scientists suggest it is likely threatened by habitat loss.
Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)
It has been estimated that there are around 150 Ocelots per 62 square miles within Yasunì National Park– a remarkable density, given the scarcity of other big cats.
The Ocelot is Latin America’s third-largest cat, behind the Jaguar and Puma.
They’re usually active at night when they’re out hunting birds, fish, or small mammals, and spend the day resting in trees.
Ocelots look a bit like large domestic cats, and they have golden fur covered in spots. For this reason, they are also known as the “dwarf leopard.”
Puma (Puma concolor)
The Puma is the second largest cat in the Americas, after the Jaguar. Their habitat range is the largest of any wild carnivore in the Western Hemisphere.
They’re found as far north as Yukon and as far south as the Andes. Pumas are solitary by nature and mostly hunt at night.
Their prey in the Amazon include monkeys, birds, wild pigs, armadillos, and capybara.
Pumas are more closely related to smaller felines like the house cat, with whom they share behaviors such as purring and the inability to roar.
Once common, Pumas are increasingly threatened because of loss of habitat and persecution from locals over the fear of livestock attacks.
Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea)
There are approximately 150 species of monkeys found in the Amazon. The Pygmy Marmoset is one of the world’s tiniest primate species, and the smallest one found in the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Amazon.
It weighs just over 3.5 oz, and its height is between 4.5 and 6 inches.
They live in troops that average around 6 individuals, and they can be found on trees near swamps or streams, feeding mainly on tree sap, insects, small fruit, and nectar.
Pygmy Marmosets are very small and shy, and thus viewings are extremely difficult.
The South American Tapir is the largest land mammal in the Ecuadorian Amazon, but it ranks among the Jaguar’s favorite prey.
They can grow up to 6.5 feet long and weigh up to 550 pounds, yet they move quickly on land and are also excellent swimmers. Deforestation and hunting are the main threats to the Tapir’s survival.
Common Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus)
Often seen throughout the Amazon Basin, these monkeys are called “Squirrel” because they’re small and agile and spend most of their life in trees, feeding primarily on fruits and insects.
However, unlike most other New World monkeys, they can’t use their tail for climbing. On average, Squirrel Monkeys range between 9.8 and 14 inches in height and weigh 1.7 to 2.4 pounds.
They have short, brown-grey fur on their head and shoulders, and yellow-ochre fur on their back and extremities.
The fur on their face is black and white, making them vaguely resemble a skeleton. For this reason, the German name for Squirrel Monkeys is Totenkopfaffen, meaning “Death’s Head Monkey.”
The Blue-and-Yellow Macaw is one the largest birds in the forest by length, measuring 81 – 91 cm from the tip of its tail to the top of its head. Blue-and-Yellow refers to the color of its feathers, which are blue on the entire body with some yellow chest.
Along with the Scarlet and Chestnut-fronted Macaw, Blue-and-yellow Macaw can be seen crossing in the skies of the Amazon Rainforest.
Their diets mainly consist of fruit and nuts from native Amazonian trees and palms, which they break with their strong hooked beaks.
They use their tongue to reach into the shell of nuts, and their talons to hang onto trees. Sadly, Blue-and-Yellow Macaw has endangered: Their main threat is the illegal pet trade and habitat fragmentation.
Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin)
Hoatzin is genetically enigmatic, whose chicks possess claws on two of their wing digits and is also colloquially known as the Stinkbird due to the manure-like odor caused by its unique digestive system.
The noises they make are just as odd, including a bizarre variety of groans, croaks, hisses, and grunts that are often associated with their body movements.
King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)
Common throughout Central and South America, King Vultures are arguably among the most beautiful birds of the Amazon Rainforest.
They measure between 26 and 32 inches, with a 4-7 foot wingspan. After the Condor, they’re the largest of all the New World vultures.
It’s believed that the “King” in their name derived from an old Mayan legend that saw King Vultures as messengers between the living and the gods.
Their body is mainly white, with long black feathers on their wings and tails.
They have no feathers on their head and neck, but their skin is vividly colored in red and purple shades on the head, orange on the neck, and yellow on the throat.
Like all vultures, they’re scavengers helping to keep the ecosystem clean of carrion.
Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata)
The Spectacled Owl is the only owl species found in the Amazon rainforest. It’s medium-sized, measuring approximately 18-20 inches in height.
It has a rounded head and no ear tufts, and a dark-feathered face with markings resembling spectacles made of white eyebrows and other white streaks on the cheeks.
The favorite habitat of Spectacled Owls is thick, primary rainforest, but they sometimes move to sparser woodlands when hunting.
They’re solitary birds, most active during the night.
They hunt very effectively by swooping down from their roost to catch their prey.
Any kind of rodent or small mammal can potentially fall prey to the Spectacled Owl… even Sloths!
The black plumage with a white throat and breast bordered below with a narrow red line. The rump is bright yellow and the crissum (the area around the cloaca) is red.
The bare skin around the eye is blue. The most striking feature is their oversized bill, which is The bill has a yellow tip, upper ridge, and base of the upper mandible, and the base of the lower mandible is blue.
The rest of the bill is mainly black and mainly reddish-brown and measures between 12.2 to 22 cm. Since total length It has a total length of 50–61 cm (19.5–24 in), they look awkward when flying. But their bill is quite light since it’s hollow.
toucans are sociable birds and are often seen flying in small groups, especially at sunset.
They’re omnivores, using their bill to reach for insects, fruit, and small reptiles, as well as other birds and their eggs.
Which reptiles and reptiles live in the rainforest?
Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus)
The Spectacled Caiman is known as the common caiman, a medium-sized crocodilian, with a total length in males 2.7 m; is extremely adaptable in terms of habitat requirements, occupying rivers, creeks, lagoons, lakes, borrow pits, swamps, and wetlands.
Female Spectacled Caimans reach sexual maturity at about 1.2 m total length and lay an average of 28-32 eggs in a mound nest, usually during the annual wet season.
Spectacled caiman behavior includes complex sound signals: “warning calls” emitted by females to the young; “distress calls” emitted by juveniles; and, “group cohesion calls” emitted by all individuals.
Males display social behaviors: “vertical tail” and “arch tail” with sub-audible vibrations, barks, and visual displays. The hatchlings and juvenile groups remain together under female care for 12-18 months.
It is the largest snake native to the Americas and found in the northern part of South America (including the Amazon),
In the genus, Eunectes (“good swimmer” in Greek), Anaconda is the heaviest and one of the longest known snake species.
It usually measures about 17-20 feet long, with a weight ranging between 60 and 150 pounds.
They’re non-venomous snakes, killing their prey by wrapping around and adjusting the pressure at every breath, Anacondas dislocate their jaws for swallowing it whole.
They can kill large animals such as Capybara, Tapirs, or even Jaguars, but there’s little evidence of attacks on humans.
Anacondas spend most of their time near water: For this reason, they’re also commonly known as “Boas.”
Poison Dart Frogs
The Ecuador Poison Dart Frog (Ameerega bilinguis), in the family Dendrobatidae found in Colombia, Ecuador, and possibly Peru.
Its natural habitats are forests, rivers, intermittent rivers, freshwater marshes, and intermittent freshwater marshes. It is threatened by habitat loss.
The flashy and brilliant colors of this species constitute a warning for its potential predators that its skin produces poison, a feature that makes it an undesirable food source.
It is very common to hear the male singing from slightly elevated areas in search of a female. After the eggs hatch, the adults transport the tadpoles on their backs to ponds, where the tadpoles complete their development.
South American River Turtle
The South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa), is the largest freshwater turtle in the Amazon.
It can grow up to 200 pounds and measure around 3.5 ft long. They’re mostly vegetarian and play an important role in maintaining a healthy riverine ecosystem.
The South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa) are scavengers, so they keep the rivers clean by removing dead organic materials.
The presence of River Turtles in the Amazon is considered a sign of the ecological well-being of a given area of the river.
Today, they are now under threat because of hunting, egg collection, habitat loss, and pollution.
Learn to Recognize the Song of the Toucans from the Rainforest of Ecuador.
Listen and Get familiar with Toucans Songs and learn about the Diversity of Birds living in the Rainforest in Ecuador.
In the Amazon Lowlands of Ecuador, during our Birding Trips in the Rainforest, we have the chance to encounter find the following species of toucans.
1.- Lettered Aracari (Pteroglossus inscriptus)
Lettered Aracari is principally green above, with a red rump, and yellow below, with a black head (rufous in females) marked by an extensive blue patch of orbital skin. The bill is largely yellow, with vertical black marks (script or “letters”) along the cutting edge of the maxilla.
The Many-banded Aracari has large, black-and-yellow striped bills and bare, blue skin around their eyes. Their plumage is primarily black, although they have green tail feathers and are characterized by two reddish bands that run horizontally across their chest.
4.- Ivory-billed Aracari (Pteroglossus azara)
The Ivory-billed Aracari has a black cap, nape, and chestnut rest of the head and upper breast. The upperparts are dusky-green with a red mantle. The underparts are tri-colored with a broad red breast band above a broad black middle band, and yellow rest of the belly. The bill is creamy yellow with brown on most of the lower mandible.
The male is black below, and on the head, green above, red under tail coverts, with a bright yellow cheek. The bill is bright red with a dark tip, and the facial skin is blue-green. It also has a bright yellow collar, from which it gets its name, but can be relatively difficult to see. Females are equally gaudy but have all the black replaced by rich chestnut.
6.- White-throated Toucan (Ramphastos tucanus)
The White-throated Toucan is black with white breast, throat, cheeks, and rump. The under tail coverts are red. The bill is black. The ridge of the upper mandible is yellow. It has blue bare skin around the eyes.
7.- Channel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos vitellinus)
The Channel-billed Toucan is black with white breast, throat, cheeks, and rump. It has red under tail coverts. The bill is black. The ridge and base of the upper mandible are yellow. It has blue bare skin around the eyes. It is nearly identical to White-throated Toucan, but it is slightly smaller with a shorter bill.
Learn about the Frogs living in the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador.
We invite you to check in the fascinating world of the Frogs of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador
Until three decades ago, the site considered as the most diverse in the world in amphibians and reptiles was the town of Santa Cecilia, The studies while the forest was being deforested and the soil moved with excavators in 1978. in Sucumbíos, Ecuador.
In a closer region with high species richness, Leticia in the Amazon Colombia reported 98 species of anurans species.
Another remote region with high species richness reported 111 species of amphibians for the Manú National Park in Peru.
The next area with an exceptional diversity of amphibians in the Yasuní National Biosphere, where more than 130 species of amphibians have been recorded in a single locality.
Upon seeing all these comparisons, the high richness of amphibian, as well as the extreme concentration of diversity in a small area, clearly indicates the importance of the Yasuní, it is mandatory to conserve one of the richest herpetofauna communities in the entire world.
There are many species frogs that remain to be described for science, we know little or nothing about their natural history of Amazonian amphibians, their state of conservation and risk of extinction in the face of factors such as the destruction of habitats or climate changes at local, regional and global scales
The Ambihians Numbers
The local diversity (alpha diversity) of amphibians in Ecuador reaches its highest value in the Tropical Amazonian Humid Forest.
The endemism in the Amazon Tropical Rainforest in Ecuador rach only 15.9 %.
The greatest species richness is concentrated in the Amazonian provinces: Napo, Sucumbíos, and Pastaza. Notably, the diversity of the province of Napo (199 species) surpasses that of entire countries such as Argentina or Canada.
Conservation of the Frogs in the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador
About 19 amphibian species that were unknown to science up to that time. Ten of these species have been described in recent years based on specimens collected in Ecuador
A species of toad: Rhaebo ecuadoriensis
Five species of tree frogs: Osteocephalus Yasuni, Boana alfaroi, Boana maculateralis, Boana nympha, and Dendropsophus shiwiarum
A species of rocket frog Hyloxalus yasuní
Three species of cutish frogs Pristimantis aureolineatus, Pristimantis omeviridis, Pristimantis waoranii.
Still, there are to describe at least three species of the genus of toads Rhinella, a Boana tree frog, at least two species of cutin frogs Pristimantis.
Nine species were reported for Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, including frogs like:
Noblella myrmecoides.
Pristimantis orcus.
Pristimantis eurydactylus.
Pristimantis skydmainos.
Dendropsophus delarivai.
Cochranella ritae.
Rhaebo guttatus.
Besides, very rare records for the country, such as the Gastrotheca longipes, Dendropsophus miyatai, Cochranella resplendens.
In comparison with other Amazonian sites very diversified and well sampled, the anuran species richness of Ecuador It is greater in all cases.
List of Frogs you can find the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador
Anywhere in the Rainforest, eventually you will cross with a frog but if you are trying to find them as soon as you arrive. First, get your bearings right, let know others where are you heading.
Family: Aromobatidae, Nurse Frogs, Jumping Frog
Allobates femoralis, Jumping frog with bright thighs
Allobates fratisenescus, Mera Jumping Frog
Allobates insperatus, Santa Cecilia Jumping Frog
Allobates kingsburyi, Jumping Frog from the Topo River
Learn about the Common Trees of the Amazon Rainforest living in the Yasuní.
During your Trip to the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador, you will be learning about trees, their life history, ecological relationships with other forest creatures and also watch local people use it.
It seems endless, Yes! The Amazon Rainforest is an ocean of trees.
You will learn about the Common trees living in the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, which comprises the Yasuní National Park, the Waorani Ethnic Reserve, and the 10 km Buffer Zone.
The Yasuní National Park was established on 29 July 1979 and the Waorani Ethnic Reserve was established in 1990.
The Yasuní Biosphere Reserve was established in 1989 by the UNESCO as a Mankind Biosphere Reserve for the future generations of the world.
The most important rivers in the Yasuní are the Napo River, Tiputini River, Tivacuno River, Shiripuno River, Yasuní River, Nashiño River, Cononaco River, and Curaray River.
What Weather is needed for An Ocean of Trees?
The trees have adapted to live in Tropical Humid with no seasons, with an average of 3200 mms of rainfall and an average temperature between 24 – 27 °C with the absolute extreme of 15 – 38 °C.
What Soil types Trees of the Rainforest Prefer?
The Soil of the Yasuní derived from tertiary drained sediments and volcanic sediments, like in many northern Amazonian, the Yasuní it has a wide range of topographic variations causing important changes in the type of soil and vegetation.
The Terra Tirme soils are well drained and oxygenated with a high content of clay and poor in organic matter. There is a significant variation in the nutrients accumulation related to inclination and elevation.
List of the Trees that can be found in Terra Firme:
Várzea or Seasonal Floodplain soils inundated by whitewater rivers that occur in the Amazon biome composed of alluvial and fluvial Holocene sediments (less than 10,000 years old) loosed from the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains.
List of the Trees that can be found in Varzea or Seasonal Floodplain:
The Common Genera of Pioneer Trees of the Rainforest
Spondias is a genus of flowering plants in the cashew family. They are distantly related to apple and plum trees. There are 7 species native to the Neotropics. They have commonly named hog plums, Spanish plums, in some cases golden apples.
The Amazon Rainforest or the Amazon Basin? Which term is Right to use?
The Amazon Rainforest describes a whole Tropical Evergreen Forest between the Andes and the Guyana Shield and Amazon Basin refers to the drainage system of the Amazon River.
The Amazon Rainforest would play an important role in global climate change. Its natural ability to sequester carbon from the atmosphere at stored it in a beautiful way hopefully would encourage its conservation.
How Big is the Amazon Rainforest?
This tropical forest in the world has 5.5 million km², covering much of northwestern Brazil and extending into Colombia, Peru, and other South American countries.
The Amazon Rainforest has millions of square hectares needed to be protected as soon as possible.
The Table below shows the Amazon Rainforest in numbers.
Total land area
Total forest cover
Primary forest cover
Loss of
primary forest
(1000 ha)
(1000 ha)
% of the total
land area
(1000 ha)
% of the total
land area
of 1990
forest cover
% of 1990
forest cover
French Guiana
The Amazon Rainforest is located in South America in the following countries, each country:
The Amazon Rainforest covers a big portion of South America Tropical Rainforest
Map of Rivers
People Living in the Amazon has a profound mark. Developing ideas and frantic chase for natural resources such as oil, mining, logging, and illegal hunting. Indigenous People turn out to be the Guardians of the Rainforest.
The Climate and Weather in the Amazon Rainforest vary from the amount of rainfall and the times of the rainfall. Northern would be closer to Equator, hotter and Southern would be affected by light breezes -outbreaks of cool polar air from the south, bringing thunderstorms and strong gusty winds that occasionally exceed 60 miles per hour. These air masses move northward into the Amazon basin (where they are called friagems)
Some Amazon Curious Facts
Here is a list of Amazon Rainforest Facts
only 6% of our planet’s surface area is covered by the rainforest.
Is home to over 390 billion individual trees divided into 16,000 species.
Around 400-500 indigenous Amerindian tribes call the Amazon rainforest home.
there are around 40,000 plant species, 1,300 bird species, 3,000 types of fish, 430 mammals and a whopping 2.5 million different insects.
takes carbon dioxide out of the air, and releases oxygen back in. In fact, more than 20% of the world’s oxygen is produced by Amazon.
It’s estimated that if the climate change were to increase the world’s temperature by only 3 degrees Celsius then 75% of the Amazon would be destroyed.
The Mosaic of Amazon Rainforest Ecosystems fuels its diversity of
Terra Firme
River Islands
Oxbow Lakes
The most Iconic Amazon Rainforest Animals listed below
The Ecuador Wildlife Trip Report: Explorations of Eastern Ecuador.
We just had an amazing Ecuador Wildlife Trip and we would like to report, we explored Ecuador’s Diversity of Life, asAlexander von Humboldt and Charles Darwin did, we want to experience the mosaic of habitats along spatial and especially altitudinal gradients in the Andes, we started itfrom the Amazon Rainforest to the Andes with a little experience of the Choco Cloudforest.
During our Ecuador Wildlife Trip, we explore four vegetation zones which are easily discerned as the Lowland Rainforest (Shiripuno Lodge), Montane Rainforest (Wild Sumaco Lodge), Andean Cloudforest (Baeza), and Elfin Forest (Papallacta).
On our Ecuador Wildlife Trip, we experience the progressing trend toward decreasing canopy stature and a reduced number of plant strata as we went on higher. The vegetation gradient provided the opportunity to examine the relationship between species diversity and habitat complexity in an entirely natural setting.
Our Ecuador Wildlife Trip starting at 230 meters above sea level in Shiripuno Lodge, deep in the Amazon Rainforest to continue ascending with specific stops until we reach the Andes at the base of the colossal Antisana Volcano at 5,704 meters.
We add a couple of nights with Choco Cloudorest in Northwest Ecuador, we visit the Bellavista Cloudforest Reserve, watch many Antpittas with the Antpitta Whisper: Angel Paz and went Herping in the Mindo.
Day 01 – 06 Ecuador Amazon Rainforest
We take a domestic fly to Coca City in the middle of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, to continue along the Auca Road to the heart of the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve. Shiripuno Lodge is our location to explore all the different types of forest formations found in the home of the Waorani People.
Overnight in Coca and getting to know the wildlife around and Oil Town turning into a World Green Destination
Day 07 – 09 Ecuador Northeastern Foothills
Leaving the Lowlands and stepping into the Foothills of the Eastern Andes in Ecuador, where the Cloudforest last reach. Staying at WildSumaco Lodge at 1600 m next to the Sumaco National Park, our first experience with feeders and explore the steep sides at different times of the day.
Day 10 – 12 Ecuador Northeastern Cloudforest
The Andean Cloudforest at Baeza (1919 m) is nestled in the valley of the Quijos River, it’s an opportunity to find colorful birds such as Andean Cock of the Rock (Rupicola peruvianus) and many new hummingbirds, we have close up experience with Tropical Orchids at the San Rafael Waterfall
Day 13 – 14 Andes: Paramo & Grassland
The Andes home of the mythical Andean Condor, Spectacled Bear, Mountain Tapir, Sword-billed Hummingbird was covered by thick clouds. We walk through the clouds to enter the golden grasslands surrounding little pools of water.
Day 15 – 16 Chocó or Choco Cloudforest
The Choco Bioregion is world Hotspots for Biodiversity, our destination for new hummingbirds, frogs and many new Orchids, we even got a glimpse of the recently described new species of Mammal: Olinguito (Bassaricyon neblina) a mammal of the raccoon family Procyonidae that lives in montane forests in the Andes of western Colombia and Ecuador.
W encourage the nature-minded person to explore your own backyard, you will be surprised to encounter an incredible number of species of creatures living next to you.