The Birds Living in the Amazon Rainforest

The Birds Living in the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador. All the Living Birds of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador can be found in all the forest formations, the birds have adapted to live with all the resources provided by the Western Amazon Basin. Habitats where the Birds of the Amazon Rainforest lives: Terra Firme Varzea Forest …

The Yasuni Amphibians and Reptiles in Ecuador

The Amazon Rainforest Amphibians & Reptiles: Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador is home of several hundred species of Amphibians & Reptiles, the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve holds one the highest diversity in this forest creatures. Watch Amazon Rainforest Amphibians & Reptiles: Yasuni Biosphere Reserve We have created a video to showcase a collection …

Downdload Free Sounds of the Amazon Rainforest

Download Free Sounds of the Amazon Rainforest! The sounds of the Amazon Rainforest can be counted only by millions given the size of the Diversity of Life. Find Songs and Calls in every corner of it, whether it lives in the canopy surrounded by a green ocean of trees or live in the leaves litters; …

The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador

The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador is tiny but it is one of the Most Biodiverse places in the World. The Amazon Rainforest region in Ecuador is about 50% of the country but only represents 2 % of the half of the planet’s remaining rainforests in the world. The Ecuadorian Amazon has a mosaic of Ecosystems …