Private Amazon Birding

You will simply be amazed by the birdlife to be seen even before you even arrive at the Shiripuno Lodge for your Private Birding Tour!
Imagine yourself birding in the most remote forest to be found in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Far from speed boats, cargo barges, jam-packed blinds and noisy generators.
You will be surprised by the birdlife to be seen even before you arrive at the lodge. On our way downstream we can commonly observe 4 and often 5 species of macaw flying over the river.

Additionally, most nights from the comfort of your bed you can hear rarities such as Nocturnal Curassow, Black banded Owl, Gray-winged Trumpeters.
Birders will enjoy as well as the unique call of the Great Potoo, the screech of Tawny-bellied Screech Owls, the cow like call of the Rufescent Tiger-Heron, and the melody of the Pauraque.
Located in the center of the biggest IBA (Important Bird Area) of Ecuador, The Great Yasuni is the Shiripuno Lodge.
Because of our unique location all birders will be on the edge of their seats.
Along with the opportunity of seeing Amazonian specialties such as Salvin’s Curassow, Nocturnal Curassow, Red-and-green Macaw, Pearly Antshrike, Hairy-crested Antbird, Black-necked Red Cotinga among others.
You do not want to miss this amazing Private Birding tour.
Customize YOUR Private Amazon Birding Tour Today:
Included in the cost:
- Transportation Coca-Quito-Coca
- Lodging in double rooms with bathroom
- Set Meals
- Bilingual Bird Guide
- Native Guide
- Excursions in the forest
- Rubbet boots up to size 43
Not included in the cost:
- Transportation Quito-Coca-Quito
- Entrance fee $ 20
- Raincoat
- Soft & Alcohol drinks
- Tips