Coca Birding Trips

Shiripuno Amazon Lodge believes in the huge potential of the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve through the evolution of bird watching activities in the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador.

Our Birdguide Oscar Tapuy would be leading most of these Birding Trips from Coca.
Our Birdguide Oscar Tapuy would be leading most of these Birding Trips from Coca.
Roadside Hawk found at any direction around Coca. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
Roadside Hawk found at any direction around Coca. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.

Our Coca Birding Trips are focused to promote the conservation of the forest remaining near Francisco de Orellana and the sustainable development for the local indigenous communities.

Blue-throated Piping Guan is the most hunted species for the taste of its meat.
Blue-throated Piping Guan is the most hunted species for the taste of its meat.

As typical as any Birding trips from Coca start with early departures to all kinds of forest types to all kind of niches in different conservation conditions where can amazonian species can be found.

Pitalala -Auca Road

Green-backed Trogon. Lives at mid levels in the forest. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
Green-backed Trogon. Lives at mid levels in the forest. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.

Pitalala is a new birding hotspot easily reached from Coca along the Auca Road, to get there turn to the right in km 5, from the road, this site offers excellents views to the amazonian canopy and other species that like successional forest due to human activities. Recommended for the morning or afternoon. Check Bird list

Taracoa Lake

Birdwatching in the Taracoa Lake.
Birdwatching in the Taracoa Lake.

The Taracoa Lake is ideal size lagoon to observe flora and fauna characteristic of tropical forests,
Taracoa is the largest lagoon in the canton Francisco de Orellana (Coca), 46 km away. It is approximately 3 kilometers long and 800 meters wide, and a depth of 4 meters. It is composed of a number of streams and streams of water that feed it constantly. Check Bird list

Sand/colored Nighthawk resting on branches. Taracoa Lake. Orellana Province
Sand-colored Nighthawk resting on branches. Taracoa Lake. Orellana Province


Hoatzin is the most bizarre bird in the Amazon Rainforest. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
Hoatzin is the most bizarre bird in the Amazon Rainforest. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.

Yasuníland offers a 35 meters Canopy Tower, located in flooded forest in good shape, with an oxbow lake with typical amazonian bird fauna. at the moment it offers nice excellent views from some canopy species found in this site.  Check Birdlist
Yarina Lodge

Maksed Crimson Tanager easy recognized when you find it!. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
Maksed Crimson Tanager easy recognized when you find it!. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.

Yarina Lodge offers a variety of forest types and habitats with all the microhabitats possible from Coca Area. Check Birdlist