Western Biodiversity: Exploring Notes of the Neotropics
Western Biodiversity bring voices from different species living from the Andes mountains all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Let me know what you think.
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Welcome to the Wildlife Blog of Shiripuno Lodge, a world wildlife destination in the depths of the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve in Ecuador.
Learn about the Amazon Rainforest Ecology and Wildlife on our posts. We bring news from the species living in one of the most biodiverse places on Earth.
We promote Conservation Initiatives with friendly activities.
The Insects of the Amazon Rainforest.
Western Biodiversity: Exploring Notes of the Neotropics
Western Biodiversity bring voices from different species living from the Andes mountains all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Let me know what you think.
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Listen to Treehoppers of the Rainforest
All sounds come from expeditions to study Treehoppers by Doctor Rex Crocfort.
He bring the Societies of Sound in the Forest.
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Amazon Rainforest Experience from Ecuador
Sounds of the Amazon Rainforest
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What’s your Nature Connexion?
Nature Sounds From the Amazon Rainforest
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Welcome to Ecuador to all!!
We want explorers to come and head out to the forest for a walk, or for a visit to indigenous community conservation initiatives.
Ecuador Welcomes everyone to explore the Wonders of Ecuador!
We are willing to share our passion for nature free of charge.
Ecuador Free Nature Walks is a fancy way to LEARN more about local tourism initiatives, needed for a Kickstarter.
Ecuador offers all sorts of travel experiences in South America from Cultural Experiences Wildlife Encounters and Inspiring Landscaping Unique in the World.
Traveling Ecuador in ORGANIZED trips with all services are included which turn into a dream for a tourist business owner.
SOLO traveling, personal trips to explore destinations building a personal experience of moving into different travelers’ destinations, also become a dream for the local tourism service provider.
Ecuador Nature Guides from all over the country JOIN to share the local attractions FREE to promote tourism to locals and travelers.
The Free Nature Walks are Interpretive Walks of Nature and Conservation led by professional Tour Guides in the interpretation of the Tropical Nature of Ecuador.
The Nature Guides would have a great opportunity to showcase their culture, biodiversity, and the different services provided locally.
Offered activities during the visit would last approximately 3 – 4 hours.
The Free Nature Walks are available in all Natural Regions in Ecuador.
All the Destinations to explore locations have a wide range the options, check some are listed below:
Participants are responsible for their personal needs.
All the Equipment needed to use in Nature Walks for a better experience.
The kinds of Activities during Free Nature Tours can be practiced.
All different Destinations for taking a Free Nature Exploration.
The Andes
The Andes Mountain Range, it’s the youngest mountains chain the world. It enjoys an amazing diversity of life.
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The Amazon Rainforest is the most biodiverse place on Earth. Millions of voices speak up everyday. Let’s listen to what they say!
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Learn about the exciting world of the Orchids of Ecuador just to give you an idea number: In Ecuador 1 out of 10 plants is an Orchid.
The Orchids of Ecuador can be found almost everywhere, from the coastline in the Pacific passing snowline of the Andes to reach vast Amazon Lowlands.
Learn more about the Orchids of Ecuador, each bioregion in Ecuador is home to several hundreds of Orchids.
The Orchids of Ecuador have several favorite bioregions, orchids have a preference for the wet Andes: The Foothills and Montane of each side of the Andes.
Learn more about the Orchids of Ecuador in the list below, the information provided is genera name, province where was seen, and the observer you click on to meet the explorer.
All the genera in here had been produced in the Citizen Science Project in INaturalist: Orchids of Ecuador.
At this moment this project has 4,796 Observations made by 833 field observers, this community of 250 Identifiers had been able to identify 477 Species of Ecuadorian Orchids.
The Generas are organized alphabetically. We will continue updating and help you to find more Orchids in Ecuador.
Puffbirds of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador are a large head and short tail, with a chunky body, Puffbirds with their loose, abundant plumage and short tails make them look stout and Puffy, giving rise to their English name.
The Puffbirds, Nunbirds, Nunlets, and Monklets all are relatives, they are present all around the Amazon Basin in all habitats.
Puffbirds of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador are tropical tree-dwelling insectivorous birds, sit-and-wait hunters, perching unmoving for long periods while watching for insect prey. As well as arthropods, they may eat small lizards and plant material.
Puffbirds and Jacamars were sister groups, indicates that the Nunlets (genus Nonnula) diverged from the common ancestor of other puffbirds an estimated 25 million years ago, with the genus Malacoptila the next to branch off around 19.1 million years ago in the Miocene epoch.
Puffbirds nesting sites are burrows in the dirt, rotten wood or termite mounds, lay clutches of two or three round, small, and white eggs. The incubation is around two weeks by both parents. Born blind and naked, crawl to the entrance of the nest burrow at one or two days of age. Adults feed them partly chewed insects.
We have the chance to listen to most the following species of Puffbirds Nunbirds, Nunlet, and Monklet during Our Birding Trips in the Rainforest.
The Puffbirds are one of the most silent birds in the Neotropics and vocalize very rarely. When calling they mostly do so at dawn and dusk. It consists of repeated and high-pitched whistles.
The Nunbirds are the most vocal of the family; they have a wide repertoire of calls and often give very loud shouts.
The White-necked Puffbird is one of the largest, most widespread members of the puffbird family, and frequents the forest canopy. With its massive bill, it feeds on large insects, frogs, and lizards.
Pied Puffbird is the smallest of the black and white puffbirds, a small-sized, mainly black-and-white puffbird, rare in the canopy of Varzea and to lesser extend Terra Firme Forests where it seems to favor forest edges, tall second growth, clearings, and plantations.
The Chestnut-capped Puffbird is a small size with bright chestnut cap, and black mask and breast band distinguish it from all other puffbirds. Found in pairs around “edge”, along streams and clearings in the seasonally flooded forest. Seen perched in the mid-story for long periods of time. It forages by sallying out and grabbing insects.
Collared Puffbird has a very large head and short tail, with a chunky body. Like other puffbirds, this species employs a sit-and-wait strategy for hunting, which it uses to catch insects and small vertebrate, which has earned it nicknames such as “lazy bird” and “sleeper”
White-chested Puffbird is inconspicuous and difficult to see. forage in the understory by sallying out to catch insects from low vegetation or the ground. When not foraging, they often sit immobile for long periods of time. The song is mellow descending trill, and the call is a high descending whistle, peeeuuuuu.
The Lanceolated Monklet is small, distinctive puffbird, seldom-seen, and oft-overlooked rainforest inhabitant. It is associating loosely with sub-canopy flocks, perching quietly, often without moving for extended periods.
Brown Nunlet is rusty brown with darker upperparts with red orbital skin, confined to a very small range within western Amazonia, occurs in humid lowland terra firme forest, old second growth.
The Black-fronted is the only Nunbird with all-dark plumage and an orange bill. Flocks in groups, perch conspicuously and regularly erupt choruses of whistles and churrs. It forages arthropods at lower levels in open floodplain forest, floodplain forest edge, bamboo, and riverine secondary growth. Nests in a burrow in a bank or in the ground.
White-fronted Nunbird is glossy black or gray-black with a stout red-orange bill, white face markings on the cere, Resident in the midstory and subcanopy of Terra-firme forest, frequently found in mixed passerine flocks, a good indication of a nearby flock.
The Yellow-billed Nunbird is unique in displaying a yellow bill and some white on the scapulars. It favors Terra Firme forest where it seems to be associated with landslides.
The Swallow-winged Puffbird digs its nest in sandy soil, forming a burrow two or three feet long, where it lays one or two eggs. It is a fairly common, perched high on a dead branch along a riverbank, or openings, typically observed in pairs. It is known to capture insects from open perches.
Get familiar with Tinamou Songs and learn about the Diversity of Birds living in the Rainforest in Ecuador.
Tinamous are common terrestrial but shy and secretive birds. The word “tinamou” comes from the Galibi Pople. Traditionally regarded as the sister group of the flightless ratites (emus, ostriches, kiwis, and rheas). Tinamous roost in trees at night.
They are opportunistic and omnivorous feeders, consuming a wide variety of plant and animal food. They walk and run but will fly when they must.
Tinamous practice a complex breeding strategy. This entails the males practicing simultaneous polygyny and the females practicing successive polyandry.
Tinamous of the Rainforest in Ecuador first appear in the fossil record in the Miocene epoch at the same epoch apes also appeared.
In the Amazon Lowlands of Ecuador, during Our Birding Trips in the Rainforest, we have the chance to listen to most the following species of tinamous.
They have clear, distinct, and sharp songs, designed to penetrate the many layers of the habitat that they frequent, serving a different purpose, linked to pairing, contact call, or territorial defense.
Some can be heard from several kilometers through the thick vegetation of the rain forest.
Lives in the dense rainforest of both “terra firme” (non-flooded) and “várzea” (seasonally-flooded) types, up to 1,500 m. It has also been recorded in secondary forests.
It feeds on the forest floor, predominantly on berries, fruits and seeds, but will also take nuts and small animals such as insects, small mollusks and annelids.
Have chestnut-brown upperparts with blackish streaking on the lower back and small yellowish-white spots. It has paler underparts with wider, dark barring on flanks. With gray head and neck, with a white throat, brown eye, and brown bill. Body length 32 and 36 cm (13 and 14 in).
It eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes, as well as invertebrates, flower buds, tender leaves, seeds, and roots. The male incubates the eggs which may come from as many as four different females and then will raise them until they are ready to be on their own, usually two to three weeks.
Live in the várzea, their preferred habitat is thick, dark, and dense. They are abundant, within the upper Amazon.
They have a distinctive light-colored eye ring, with a bill has a dark upper mandible and a yellow lower mandible. lays two eggs, whose color varies from salmon to dark chocolate; the nest is merely a scrape in the ground, and nests can be found almost year-round across its range.
Furtive, an almost tailless small bird, Favoring forest edge and dense secondary growth rather than forest interior. When disturbed runs rather than flies. Sometimes crosses quiet roads or trails, but tremulous whistles are often heard, especially early and late in the day. The plumage is dark brownish overall with grayer head and a whitish throat
Is a ubiquitous species of river forest and second growth in the Amazon basin. feeds on small fruits, seeds, and insects and is considered fairly common throughout its range. Its distinctive three-note song often is among the first bird sounds one learns in Amazonia.
The breeding behavior has been comparatively well studied. Males apparently outnumber females considerably, and as a result, the female is serially polyandrous, mating with up to four males, laying one egg per partner, which is then incubated by the male alone. As is typical of tinamous, the nest is a shallow, unlined depression on the ground. The single young leaves the nest on hatching and is tended by the male throughout.
It inhabits principally seasonally flooded areas and shrubby thickets. A poorly known Tinamou considered rare to uncommon over most of its distributional range. Virtually nothing has been published concerning its life history.