The Shiripuno Amazon Lodge & Shiripuno Research Center offer job and volunteer opportunities for those who want to have an unforgettable experience and learn about the tropical rainforest. Please Check below.
Jungle Experience Exchange

Our Jungle Experience Programme is the opportunity to put at work all the skills you have learnt during your professional training in a remote location in the Amazon Rainforest.
We are looking for highly trained and skillful people willing to exchange expertise for the opportunity to explore the forest for 3 months commitment.
- Project Manager
- Wildlife Management
- Ecotourism Management
- Web applications
Jungle Internship

Our Internship Programme is the focused for those looking for gaining field experience, tuning your professional skills for your future projects. We are offering Internship for six months commitment for the following careers/profession:
- Biology
- Zoology
- Botany
- Ecology
- Journalism
- Painting
- Photography and Video
- Web applications
- Wildlife Management
- Ecotourism Management
- First Aid Certification
- 2 letters of recommendations
- Agreement letter by the participant
- Field Equipment
- First Aid Kit
- Boots
- Good Rain Poncho
- Field Clothing
- Dinner Clothing
- Sports Clothing

The Shiripuno Research Center Volunteering Programs consists of 4 and 8 weeks in the field to explore the forest dynamics to live within.
Shiripuno Research Center offers great opportunities to get immersed into the Diversity of Life of the Yasuni, we are running small projects with volunteers help to create public awareness about the need to protect more pristine areas in the world. Please check below our projects you can help us on:
- Orchids Garden
- Bromeliads and Epiphytes
- Trap Cameras
- Bird Monitoring
- Trails Signs
- Amphibians & Reptiles Monitoring
- Teaching English
Daily activities in the forest combines collecting plants specimens, recording birds and mammals, repairing trail signs, photography, trap camera and tons of other activities, we encourage personal projects.
The Shiripuno Research Center Volunteering Programs consists of 4 and 8 weeks in the field with a whole series of activities and work assignments. The program requires a month minimum stay and basic Spanish.
A letter of intention on which the postulant describe why are interested in joining the volunteer program.
Inscription cost: $ 100
Food & Board: $ 30 per day or $ 900 a month.
Accommodations in double shared bedrooms with private bathroom.

Our Goals:
- To provide fundamental information to scientists based of field observations
- To create educational material for local schools
- To keep track of 20 km of trails
- To download photos from Trap-Cameras
- To create 50 km of trails
- To built a volunteers facilities
- To built a scientists facilities
- To build a data base online!!!
Degree in Biology or a similar field (Bachelor Degree) Ability to speak and write Spanish Interest in wildlife A minimum commitment of 6 months A Visa allowing more than a 6-month stay
What to do
- Recognize the wildlife and their ecology.
- Teach English in the Forest School at the Waorani Community
- Collect data in the field.
- Rear caterpillars of lepidopterans.
- Maintain the compost for the farm.
What to read before to come.
- The Diversity of Life by E.O.Wilson
- A Neotropical Companion by John Kricher
- Tropical Nature by Adrian Forsyth and Ken Miyata
- One River by Wade Davis
- The Song of the Dodo by David Quammen
- Birds of Tropical America by Steven L. Hilty
The Amazon is the largest Tropical Rainforest left on this Planet with unique wildlife and people. To understand it takes passion, time and dedication. To be able to recognize animal by smell, sounds and shapes will fill satisfy your personal dreams.
Shiripuno Lodge is located inside the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve, the largest protected Amazon Rainforest in the Western Amazon with more species of trees in one hectare that Canada and United States together, it has a world record for amphibians and a rich bird fauna.

Shiripuno Lodge is offering job opportunities to work as Amazon Nature Tour Guide for:
- Biologists
- Wildlife Managers
- Ecotourist
Job assignment:
- Lead Nature Tours
- Make observations on fauna and flora
- Make videos of 1 minute of flora and fauna
- Teach and show the wilderness of the Amazon, with special interest in the Yasuni to visitors
- Degree in Biology, Ecology, Conservation or Ecotourism
- Fluent in English
- Mid-level Spanish
- Social Skills
- 1 Year commitment
- WAFA and CPR certification
- Visa for One Year
Equipment for the job:
- First Aid Kit
- Waterproof Binoculars 10 X 42
- Waterproof Spotting Scope & Tripod
- Rain Poncho
- Water Bottle
- Waterproof Backpack
- Waterproof Bag
- Rechargeable Batteries
- 2 Headlamps
- Magnify Glass
- Camera with HD Video


Below is a list of books to read before you come to work at Shiripuno Lodge.
General Literature:
- Yasuni, Tiputini and the Web of Life” by Pete Oxford, Renee Bish & Kelly Swing
- Tropical Nature by Adrian Forsyth and Ken Miyata
- A Neotropical Companion by John Kricher
- Diversity of Life by E. O. Wilson
- One River by Wade Davis
- Crisis Under the Canopy by Randy Smith
- The Song of the Dodo by David Quammen
- Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared M. Diamond
The Waorani:
- Laura Rival: Trekking through History. The Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador. Columbia University Press, New York, NY 2002.
- Lawrence Ziegler-Otero: “Resistance in an Amazonian Community; Huaorani Organizing against the Global Economy. Berghahn Books, New York, NY 2004.
- Clayton Robarchek and Carole Robarchek: “Waorani: the Contexts of Violence and War.” Cengage Learning, Mason, OH 2002/2008.
- Birds of Ecuador by R. S. Ridgely and P.J. Greenfield
- Fieldbook of the Birds of Ecuador by Miles Mcmullan & Lelis Navarrete
- Handbook of Birds of the World by Josep del Hoyo
- Neotropical Rainforest Mammals: A Field Guide by Louise H. Emmons
- Mamiferos del Ecuador by Diego G Tirira
Amphibians & Reptiles:
- Guía de Campo de Reptiles del Ecuador, J. Valencia et al, 2008, FHGO.
- Guía de Campo de Anfibios del Ecuador, J. Valencia et al, 2008, FHGO.
- Fauna de Vertebrados del Ecuador, UTPL – FHGO, 2010.
- The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America by Jonathan A. Campbell
- Guide to the frogs of the Iquitos Region, Amazonian Peru by L. O. Rodriguez and W. E. Duellman
- Butterflies of Costa Rica by Phil DeVries
- Butterflies of South America by Bernard D’Abrera
- Moths of the Amazon and Andes by Adrian Hoskins (www.learnaboutbutterflies.com)

Other Insects:
- Latin American Insects and Entomology by Charles Hogue
- Insects of an Amazon Forest by Norman Dale Penny
- A Field Guide to the Families and Genera of Woody Plants of Northwest South America by Alwyn H. Gentry
- The Healing Forest: Medicinal and Toxic Plants of Northwest Amazonia by R. Schultes
- Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers by Richard Evans Schultes.