Just for a moment, imagine yourself drifting silently along a truly, wild jungle river in the

legendary Waorani territories, bounded on either side by millions of acres of the pristine forest.

Traveling the Shiripuno River by kayak is an intimate way to experience both jungle and river. Picture yourself exploring meanders through muddy beaches and twisting walls of Amazon Rainforest, never knowing what is around the next bend of the river. It could be a cloud of colorful butterflies, a flock of macaws, a river turtles basking on a log, a beach loving caiman, or the ever changing flowers, fruits, seeds, and sounds of the passing forest. And if you are really lucky you might even come across a Tapir or an Anaconda.
We are going kayak into the world famous Yasuni Biosphere Reserve, arguably the most biologically diverse spot on Earth. The reserve is at the center of a small zone where amphibian, bird, mammal, and vascular plant diversity all reach their maximum levels within the Western Hemisphere.
Moreover, Yasuni breaks world records for local-scale (less than 100 km2) tree, amphibian, and bat species richness, and is one of the richest spots in the world for birds and mammals at local scales as well. A lot of them can be found along the Rivers!