The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador is tiny but it is one of the Most Biodiverse places in the World.
The Amazon Rainforest region in Ecuador is about 50% of the country but only represents 2 % of the half of the planet’s remaining rainforests in the world.
The Ecuadorian Amazon has a mosaic of Ecosystems and vegetation types including rainforests, seasonal forests, deciduous forests, and flooded forests.
The Typical Ecosystems of the Lowlands Rainforest in Ecuador.
The different Ecosystems of the Ecuadorian Rainforest holds a huge Diversity of Life, here is a list of the habitats and niches:
- Terra Firme
- Várzea or Temporary Flooded Forest
- Igapo
- Moriche Swamp
- Forest Swamps
- River Islands
Major Rivers flowing in The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador
The Rivers in the Rainforest are the Lifeline and its history plays an important part in the local fauna flora and People.
The Rivers are an import player in the dynamics of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador, Rivers brings rich volcanic sediments to the Amazon Basin.
Here is a list of the Major Rivers, many bring water from the Andes and many are settled by indigenous and settlers today:
- Putumayo River
- San Miguel River
- Napo River
- Curaray River
- Cononaco River
- Aguarico River
- Cuyabeno River
- Yasuní River
- Tiputini River
- Coca River
- Payamino River
- Marañón River (Peru)
- Tigre River
- Pastaza River
- Bobonaza River
- Palora River
- Morona River
The ethnic diversity of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador.
For thousands of years, the Amazon Rainforest is home for thousands and now millions of people. People live in different locations with perfect conditions to raise their families and keep their cultures alive. Today they are the Guardians of the Rainforest.
- Kichwa People in the Napo y Pastaza provinces
- Siona and Secoya People living in Sucumbíos province
- Cofan People live in the Sucumbíos province
- Waorani People living in Napo y Pastaza
- Tagaeri-Taromenani People living in the Pastaza and Orellana
- Shuar and Achuar People living in the Morona Santiago, Zamora Chinchipe provinces
- Záparo People living in the Pastaza province
- Shiviar People living in the Pastaza province
Ecuador protects many of the Amazon Rainforest Ecosystems
Ecuador put efforts to promote the Conservation of many ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest in a series of conservation areas and education. Check the big ones below:
- Cofán-Bermejo Ecological Reserve in Sucumbios with an extension of 55451 ha, it was created in 2002.
- Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve in Orellana and Sucumbios provinces with an extension of 590.112 hectáreas, created in 1.979.
- Limoncocha Biological Reserve in Sucumbios with an extension of 4.613 hectares, it was created in 1.985.
- Sumaco Napo-Galeras National Park, Orellana and Sucumbíos Province with an extension of 206,749 ha it was created in 1994.
- Yasuni National Park, Orellana and Pastaza Provinces with 1’022.736 ha, it was created in 1979.
- El Condor Biological Reserve, in the Morona Santiago province with 2.440 ha, it was created in 1.999