Check some of the Easy Plants to Remember from the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador.
The first time you enter the Amazon Rainforest, you will feel overloaded with Shapes, Colors, Textures, Odors, and Taste from the vast community of plants living in here.
All trees, lianas, shrubs, epiphytes, and parasites are living in chaotic harmony, you will soon discover that everything in the Rainforest is connected and those connections start revealing in front of your eyes, we call it Wild Learning!

The Amazon Rainforest is home to as many as 80,000 plant species from which more than 40,000 species play a critical role in regulating the global climate and sustaining the local water cycle.

The Yasuní Biosphere Reserve is known to be one of the most biodiverse places on Earth.
Check some Easy Plants facts from the Yasuni to Remember
In just one hectare in Yasuní, there are more tree, shrub, and liana (woody vines) species than anywhere else in the world. Check the numbers.
In a single hectare of the Yasuni (2.47 acres) 655 species of trees, were found which is equal to the continental US and Canada combined.
In a research plot of 25 hectares of primary Rainforest of the Yasuni, the number of tree species rises to 1,100.
Here is a list of the easy plants to recognize when exploring remote villages, or national park while you are visiting the Amazon Rainforest.
Get familiar with the Common Plants of the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador.
- Aphelandra ACANTHACEAE)
- Philodendron (ARACEAE)
- Anthurium (ARACEAE)
- Centropogon (CAMPANULACEAE)
- Dichorisandra (COMMELINACEAE)
- Geogenanthus (COMMELINACEAE)
- Costus (COSTACEAE)
- Abarema (FABACEAE)
- Calliandra (FABACEAE)
- Brownea (FABACEAE)
- Zygia (FABACEAE)
- Nautilocalyx (GESNERIACEAE)
- Calathea (MARANTACEAE)
- Passiflora (PASSIFLORACEAE )
- Pariana (POACEAE)
- Capirona (RUBIACEAE)
- Faramea (RUBIACEAE)
- Palicourea (RUBIACEAE)
- Psychotria (RUBIACEAE)
- Warszewiczia (RUBIACEAE
- Herrania (MALVACEAE)
- Apeiba (MALVACEAE)

Download An illustrated list of Conspicuous Plants plants of the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador.